Have you ever heard the expression: ‘Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life’? That is painting for me. The first time I picked up a paint brush, it might as well have been a magic wand! When I paint, time does not exist. Each brush stroke brings me closer to the image in my mind that I am trying to create and propels me to just keep going until I can share my creation.
I am a self-taught Canadian artist. I have always had a passion for creating, and have channeled that into painting since 2013. My painting style is constantly evolving in the realism realm. I specialize in painting captivating vivid images from up close that are mostly inspired by nature and wildlife.
Since pursuing art professionally in 2018, my work has been part of many art exhibits, including a juried exhibition. My art pieces have also been shipped across borders to be part of private collections. I currently reside on the East coast of Canada where I paint from my home studio.